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Mindvalley 10X Fitness – By Lorenzo Delano, Vishen Lakhiani & Ronan Oliveira

Gain Your Dream Body In Just Two 15-Minute Weekly Workouts By Harnessing The Latest Science In Muscle Stimulation

The exercise protocol you’re about to see has the potential to dramatically transform humanity’s fitness and quality of life…

Put a ‘dream body’ within virtually anyone’s reach…

And even significantly increase our lifespans…

All in a way that’s far more efficient, easier, and faster than anything you’ve likely seen before it.

In fact, I believe so strongly in this protocol – known as 10x – that I’ve personally funded its research in various cities including Los Angeles, Barcelona, Tallinn, and Croatia. And on hundreds of participants including Mindvalley members, myself, and even my father.

Why? Because the results of 10x – and the shockingly small amount of time needed to enjoy those results – are nothing short of incredible!

Mary’s 10x transformation

How 10x Transforms You In Ways Other Fitness Programs Can’t
Total Transformation In 15 Minutes A Workout, Twice A Week
Triggers your body’s adaptive response mechanism to multiply your strength, endurance, vitality, mobility, and longevity in a tiny fraction of the usual time.

Maximum Results With Minimal Effort
Combines the optimal level of high intensity workouts with the right amount of recovery time and even the right nutrition for recovery, so you only ever need to exercise for a few minutes at a time.

Optimal Weight & Muscle Mass On Autopilot
Increases your muscle composition and basal metabolic rate, so you’re far less vulnerable to unwanted weight gain and muscle loss (you even gain more freedom to enjoy food).

Superior Injury Resistance
Conditions you to focus not just on sets and reps, but on adaptive response and pacing, timing, and breathing – so you’re less prone to muscle tears, damaged joints, and other exercise injuries.

Freedom From Ineffective Cardio
Improves all your markers of health and fitness, without the need for boring, time-consuming cardio workouts that often do more harm than good.

Freedom To Exercise On Your Terms
Gives you the option of working out at the gym, or at home using simple equipment that doesn’t cost a bomb or take up much space.

Upgrade Your Body The Way You Want
Upon completing 10x, you’ll have total freedom to customize your workouts to fit your personal objectives – like focusing on specific body parts, increasing overall strength, and so on..