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Diana Ratliff – Google News Sites 4 Profit

“If you are looking to jump on the Google News profit train, then this training is for you! Diana knows what works and what doesn’t. This will save you a ton of time and headaches.

These sites can be monetized different ways so don’t hesitate to get started NOW.

Honestly, this is a gold rush that Google has made available. Free traffic on demand from a Google News site in your niche. Near-instant indexing and SERP results. And Diana makes it super simple.” – Marcus Cudd

Google News Sites 4: Profit

Building sites that Google TRUSTS can pay huge dividends for your business.

Learn how to Build – and Monetize! – a Google News Website

You’ll Learn:

  • What Google News Sites are
  • How to monetize them
  • What Google looks for on your website
  • How to submit your site to Google Publisher Center
  • What to do AFTER your site is approved